212 research outputs found

    Hypergeometric analytic continuation of the strong-coupling perturbation series for the 2d Bose-Hubbard model

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    We develop a scheme for analytic continuation of the strong-coupling perturbation series of the pure Bose-Hubbard model beyond the Mott insulator-to-superfluid transition at zero temperature, based on hypergeometric functions and their generalizations. We then apply this scheme for computing the critical exponent of the order parameter of this quantum phase transition for the two-dimensional case, which falls into the universality class of the three-dimensional XYXY model. This leads to anontrivial test of the universality hypothesis.Comment: 5 figure

    Evaluation of a Public Project

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem této diplomové práce je hodnocení efektivnosti veřejně prospěného projektu zastřešení zimního stadionu v Rýmařově. Hodnocení efektivnosti veřejně prospěšného projektu je založeno na metodě analýzy nákladů a přínosů (Cost-Benefit Analysis), jejíž podstatou je ohodnocení jak přímých, tak i nepřímých dopadů realizace projektu. V práci je identifikována nulová i investiční varianta projektu, dopady realizace projektu a jimi zasažení beneficienti. Z kvantifikovaných dopadů je následně spočtena čistá současná hodnota projektu. Z důvodu výrazného vlivu ceny elektřiny na provoz stadionu je v práci zpracována citlivostní analýza prostřednictvím simulace náhodného vývoje elektřiny pro různé scénáře vývoje spotřeby elektřiny. Na základě výsledků čisté současné hodnoty spočtenou pro jednotlivé scénáře spotřeby elektřiny je navrženo doporučení o přijatelnosti projektu.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the public project ice stadium in Rýmařov. Evaluation of the public project is based on the method of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), whose essence is the evaluation of both direct and indirect impacts of the project. In this thesis is identified the zero and investment variant, the impacts of the project and beneficiaries affected by them. From the quantified impacts the net present value of the project is calculated. Because electricity prices significantly influence the operation of the stadium the sensitivity analysis simulations of random evolution of electricity for different scenarios of electricity consumption is effected. On the basis of net present value calculated for each scenario electricity consumption is proposed recommendations of the acceptability of the project.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Influence of tender type on seller participation

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    When announcing a tender, the buyer decides on its setting, which includes its type. In practice, the most widespread types of tenders are sealed bids and English reverse auctions. The two types have different settings and thus affect the seller behaviour in the tender. One of these is the participation in the entry round. It is possible to assume that the seller participation in the entering round of English reverse auctions, in which sellers receive some market in- formation, is higher than that in sealed bids, in which sellers gain no market information. The aim of the paper is to verify the above-mentioned assumption of seller participation in the entering round of sealed bids and English reverse auctions. The research was carried out on a sample of 1077 sealed bids and 3083 English reverse auctions. The result of statistical testing using the Mann–Whitney test is that the type of tender has an effect on the seller participation in the entering round at the 5% level of significance. A comparison of average seller participation in the entering round in sealed bids and English reverse auctions confirms the above-mentioned assumption

    Marketing Communication Design of the Music Festival

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    Import 29/09/2010Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh marketingové komunikace hudebního festivalu, který se koná v Rýmařově. Návrh marketingové komunikace vychází z analýzy komunikačních aktivit festivalu, návštěvnosti festivalu, rozpočtu festivalu a analýzy výsledků dotazníkového šetření u návštěvníků festivalu. Na základě analýzy výsledků sekundárního a primárního výzkumu je navržena marketingová komunikace skládající se z určení cílové skupiny, místa, médií, obsahu, termínu, personálního zajištění a rozpočtu s cílem efektivního oslovení stávajících a potenciálních návštěvníků festivalu a podpoře image festivalu.The aim of this thesis is the marketing communication design of the music festival, which takes place in Rýmařov. The marketing communications design is based on an analysis of communication activities of the festival, visit of the festival, the festival budget and analysis of results based on visitors responses. The marketing communications design consides the target groups, places, media, content, time, staff and budget. The aim of the marketing communications design is to address effectively existing and potential attendees and promote the image of the festival.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Resonant Viscosity and Mass Density Sensors Considering their Cross-Sensitivity to Temperature

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    AbstractIn this contribution we discuss a generalized, reduced order model for resonant viscosity and mass density sensors which considers also the devices’ cross sensitivities to temperature. The applicability of the model is substantiated by experimental results from measurements obtained with a circular steel tuning fork in various liquids and temperatures. Advantages of this model are its simplicity, its general applicability for resonant mass density and viscosity sensors which furthermore facilitates the comparison of different sensors

    How the COVID-19 pandemic and related school closures reduce physical activity among children and adolescents in the WHO European Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Emerging research suggests that physical activity among children and adolescents decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a differentiated overview of European youth is lacking. In particular, no systematic analysis has been conducted to date on the impact of heterogeneous pandemic restrictions and school closures within European countries, and with regard to potentially vulnerable groups. Methods: We searched seven databases and included studies for children and adolescents (≤ 19 years) of the WHO European Region that compared physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic with a pre-pandemic baseline using validated measurement instruments. We used the Oxford Stringency Index and School Closure Index as indicators of restriction stringency. Screening for eligibility, data extraction, assessment of the study risk of bias (using the ‘Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies - of Exposure’ [ROBINS-E]) and certainty grading of evidence (using the GRADE approach), were all done in duplicate. Unpublished data was requested from study authors. Data were pooled in random effects models. An a priori protocol was published, reporting is carried out in accordance with the ‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses’ (PRISMA) statement. Results: Of 14,897 non-duplicate records, 26 publications (n = 15,038 pre-pandemic, n = 13,041 during pandemic) met full inclusion criteria. Comparison before and during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed a significant reduction in total physical activity (standardized mean difference [SMD], -0.57 [95%CI, -0.95; -0.20]) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (SMD, -0.43 [95% CI, -0.75; -0.10]), corresponding to a decrease of 12 min per day (a 20% reduction of the WHO recommendation). A decrease in sporting activity was also recorded. Subgroup analyses suggested that middle childhood (aged 8–12) and adolescents were particularly affected by the decline. School closures were associated with a reduction in physical activity. The certainty of evidence for all outcomes was low. Conclusions: A sharp decline in all forms of physical activity was recorded among European children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. This decline was higher during periods of school closure and mainly affected younger schoolchildren and adolescents. Immediate action by policy-makers and practitioners, as well as evidence-based public health strategies, are imperative in reversing this trend

    An evidence-driven model of voting and party competition

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    In this paper we report on the development of an agent-based model (ABM) simulating the behaviour of voters and the positioning of political parties in Austria. The aim is to create what-if scenarios taking into account contextual changes, such as political crises as well as changes in parties’ policy positions and voters’ attitudes. Drawing on data from the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) and the Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES), we are able to map both demand- and supply-side characteristics. We present first results of the simulation analysis of applied strategies of voters and parties. This way, we are able to create first what-if scenarios that show how results of elections would change, if voters applied different strategies when deciding which party to vote for. In developing a simulation for the case of Austria as a reference model, we lay the foundation for more universal applications of ABM in political science

    Language Report German

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    German is the second most widely spoken language in the EU. The last decade has seen strongly perceptible language change, trending towards the simplification of the grammatical system, a rapidly growing number of anglicisms, a decreasing prevalence of dialects, and an increase in socio-political debates on matters such as language policies and gender-neutral language. Many technologies and resources for German are available, which is also due to numerous well-established research institutions and a thriving Language Technology (LT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry. In order to withstand in the digital sphere, it is important that incentives for research, digital education and also concrete opportunities for marketing and deploying LT applications are put at the forefront of future AI strategies

    Understanding Another Person's Emotions—An Interdisciplinary Research Approach

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    An interdisciplinary research perspective is developed concerning the question of how we understand others' emotions and how reliable our judgment about others' emotion can be. After an outline of the theoretical background of emotions, we briefly discuss the importance of prior experiences and context information for the recognition of emotions. To clarify this role, we describe a study design, utilizing emotional expressions and context information while controlling for prior experiences and the actual emotional situation to systematically approach these questions